Title: A Waking Dream
Author: Joules Mer
Author's e-mail: julia_ocean_child@yahoo.co.uk
Author's URL: http://jmenterprise.popullus.net
Date: Nov. 21, 2003
Archive: Permission to archive granted to EntSTCommunity and BLTS.
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: G
Pairing: R/Sim, T/R
Summary: I remember the hurt look on his face and I don't know whether to laugh
at the absurdity of the situation or cry because he doesn't love me. He
loves my ghost.
Series: Ghosts and Lovers (sequel to You, Me, and Your Doppelganger Makes
Beta: None
Spoilers: Similitude (but oh so AU)
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount. No profit was made,
no copyright infringement is intended
Author's notes: There was going to be an immediate, happy sequel...then
Trip told me how he really felt.
Sometimes I feel like I'm sleepwalking, and I don't know if
I'll ever wake up. I once said that a coma sounded kinda nice, but now I
know that it's not something I ever want to repeat.
I had to go to the funeral of someone I'd never met, but felt
that I knew. The man who gave his life for me. I can't begin to explain
to anyone how strange it feels to look upon what appears to be your own body.
I was keeping myself together pretty well, then I looked sideways. Slowly
rolling down a high cheekbone of our stoic armoury officer was a single tear.
I watched in abject fascination as he firmly blinked his watering eyes and tried
to compose himself. A second later he was nothing but the image of propriety,
but I'd seen the crack in the mask.
I was walking down the corridor late last night. I couldn't
sleep, my circadian rhythms are all out of whack these days, so I decided to stop
by the observation lounge. When the door opened I found a solitary figure
sitting on the furthest couch from the door. I walked over quietly, but
was surprised that Malcolm didn't seem to notice my presence. He's normally
so attuned to things like that.
When I touched his shoulder he seemed to break out of whatever
trace he'd been in. I quipped something nonsensical and flopped down next
to him, ready for a friendly chat. Imagine my surprise when the epitome
of antiquated fraternization regs himself leaned over and kissed me. I gasped
or gulped or something, I was so surprised. This was definitely the last
thing I'd expected. He broke the kiss and pulled back slightly, just far
enough that I could see the look on his face. "Oh Malcolm." The words
were just an involuntary outcry, I don't know what I meant by them even now.
I pulled back so that I could get a good look at Malcolm and he must have seen
something in my face that he didn't like because he was up and out of the door
in a flash. I remember the hurt look on his face and I don't know whether
to laugh at the absurdity of the situation or cry because he doesn't love me.
He loves my ghost.