Title: The Injury
Author: Joules Mer
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount. No profit was
made, no copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: This is a response to my five minute challenge on EntSTSlash and
is just a bit of fluff.
Trip rubbed his eyes and squirmed uncomfortably in his
seat, he'd always despised waiting. "Ow!" The scandalized cry
of outrage made him jump, but it carried with it the relief that Malcolm
still had a working set of lungs. He peered intently at the thick privacy
curtain, but could not tell what was going on behind it. He wished
someone would tell him something.
The curtain was finally pulled aside and Trip was treated
to the sight of his lover gingerly lowering himself off of a biobed.
Trip rushed over only to have his helping hands swatted away with an "I'm
fine." Trip's nostrils flared slightly and he was about to inquire
just what the hell had happened on the away mission when he was forestalled
by the doctor's jovial remarks.
"That you will be, Lieutenant, but please take care of
the wound. I want to see you tomorrow for a follow up visit and if
you find sitting to be too painful just come by sickbay. I'd be happy
to give you a mild analgesic."
"Thank you, Doctor."
Trip was astonished to see Malcolm blushing a dark crimson
as he limped towards the door. After a moment he remembered himself
and rushed after the slow moving figure. "Malcolm, what happened?"
Malcolm sighed and looked furtively around the corridor
before he pulled Trip's head down to a more comfortable level and whispered
in his ear. Trip's eyes widened. "Oh." The was a long pause
before he reached down and gently cupped the healing butt cheek, "Would it
help if I kissed it better?" Malcolm flushed again, but nodded.
Trip grinned and led his lover back towards his quarters. He slowed
to match Malcolm's awkward gait and was barely able to resist the urge to
laugh. How Malcolm managed to sit on a cactus during an away mission
to a jungle escaped him.