Title: First Love
Author: Joules Mer
Author's e-mail: julia_ocean_child@yahoo.co.uk
Author's URL: http://jmenterprise.popullus.net
Date: Posted to EntSTSlash 1/13/2004
Archive: Permission to archive granted to EntSTCommunity and BLTS. All others
ask me.
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: G
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Reed
Summary: Friends, lovers, and drawing a line.
Beta: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount. No profit was made,
no copyright infringement is intended.
The faint lines around his eyes crinkle
when he smiles. There is one lock of hair out of place on his normally immaculately
groomed head. The dark chocolate brown wisp hangs roguishly over his forehead.
I long to reach out and run my fingers through his hair, I'll bet it's as soft
as corn silk. I remember how I once had to rouse him from his bed for an
early mission. His hair had been a mass of spiky disorder and his eyes hooded
by sleep as he smiled at me. He had never looked so beautiful.
I smile back and say hello, just as I do every time I take
my place on the bridge. I wait a decent amount of time and then carefully
peer up at him. He's already absorbed by his work, a small frown of concentration
has affixed itself to his features. I watch the play of light from the tactical
screen on his face and can't help but smile. He's turned it up to full power
again. When Malcolm is presented with a particularly confusing scan he calls
it up on the display and increases the screen's power until it glows brightly.
He must have a spectral analysis of the gas cloud we've encountered, I remember
him suggesting that we might be able to collect some compound that can be used
to remove a certain debris from inside the cannon manifolds.
That little frown increases as he continues to stare at the
data. It's almost like he's going to force the cloud to reveal its secrets
through the power of his gaze alone. Having been on the receiving end of
that stare before I wouldn't put it past him. His impossibly long eyelashes
hide his expressive eyes from me. At times their colour reminds me of the
ocean. I don't know if he'd be happy to hear that. I watch fondly
as his tongue peeks out and wets his lips. I wonder if he realizes he does
I finally force my gaze onto another member of my crew and
realize I've been caught. Trip edges a bit closer to Malcolm and the look
he gives me is clear. Back off, Jon. It isn't worth it.
And it's not. There are some things you don't destroy
a friendship over. I turn back to the viewscreen and watch the flickers
of light in the nebula. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves
me. He loves me not. I'll never know, because he loved Trip first.