The concept is simple. All you have to do is identify the character that goes with the quote.
"I can't believe you're really going to destroy our vessel over a trivial incident like this." Malcolm Captain Archer T'Pol Trip "This gives 'space exploration' a whole new meaning." Hoshi Trip Malcolm Captain Archer "And my underwear is flame retardant. That doesn't mean I'm going to light myself on fire to prove it." Malcolm Trip Travis Captain Archer "Don't tell me you've never noticed her, you know, in that way." Malcolm Trip Phlox Captain Archer "I found a new use for the 'stun' setting." Trip Captain Archer Malcolm Travis "I feel like a chef who's just made a meal with ingredients he's never tasted." Trip Captain Archer Malcolm Phlox "Sounds like Klingon." T'Pol Trip Captain Archer Hoshi "If we were in the middle of Starfleet Headquarters no one would pick it up." Hoshi Malcolm Trip Captain Archer "I was hoping it was all just a dream." Trip Travis Hoshi Captain Archer "The ears are a nice touch." Malcolm Captain Archer Trip Travis "Sometimes I envy you... I know, another pesky human emotion." Captain Archer Hoshi Phlox Trip "It's a big problem with me... I'm just too damn curious." Captain Archer Trip Malcolm Phlox "Do you eat meat, Colonel?" T'Pol Captain Archer Trip Travis "You're the captain, can't you order the storm to calm down?" Travis Trip Malcolm Hoshi "Am I sensing concern? Last I checked that was an emotion." Trip Travis Captain Archer Phlox